

Being Brave

Boundaries create clear direction

Why is it that just saying the word "risk" can make me feel instantly out of control?

Pushing myself outside my comfort zone can feel unfamiliar; like most people, I don't wish for more of this feeling. I will do almost anything NOT to feel uncomfortable!

It's helpful when I remind myself to take small steps as I work toward my hopes; not every step has to be monumental and huge. Sometimes a risk is simply making the phone call that I've been putting off. 

R is for Risk

Reassurance from others and not myself is the cornerstone for my inability to take a risk. Relying on and trusting myself to “jump in” without having everything all figured out is simply out of the question. Regardless of my ability and skills, being scared has been the “go-to” feeling for much of my life. Revisiting why taking certain risks is so terrifying for me is steeped in scarcity. 

I is in Risk

Inventing scenarios in my mind of what won’t work is the first thing that pops into my head. I get an overwhelming case of the “what-ifs,” and they are all negative. Immobility is my pattern. It’s always been this way, but answering the questions this week has made me look more closely at the risks I don’t take and why. I feel like screaming, “Damn it! What are you so afraid of?” Immediately, I realize there is no compassion for myself in this reaction.

S is in Risk

Secure and trusting are the words that I want to attract today. Simply trusting myself to ask the necessary questions creates conversations that help me understand what I need to know. Scary is, well, scary, but it’s also okay to feel it! So often, it comes down to having the courage to be clear with me and trust in what I am to learn. Shockingly, it’s exciting not to know the exact outcome because this leads to endless possibilities.  

Knowing the exact outcome is not necessary. Keeping my mind and heart open to welcome each challenge with grace and wonderment feels amazing! Kindness with myself goes a long way when it comes to taking a risk.  

Discover. Uncover. Recover.

Why is it that even with greater awareness, I can still go to all the reasons things won’t work out?

This is an automatic, deeply ingrained reaction. Switching the dial from just saying “I believe in me” to genuinely meaning it is two different settings. This is when some compassion for myself is helpful.  

Wise Weekly Words We Heard

  • I always run my ideas by people that I trust for their guidance and experience. I remain open to insightful questions that are meant to help me make good decisions.  It’s a red flag for me if I begin to defend my position. 

  • risky behavior is different than risking behavior

  • the older I get the more I realize if I don’t take any risks, I am honestly not showing up for life.  I guess it’s really hitting me how many opportunities I keep missing.

  • Deep down what am I so afraid of?

  • It’s important that I take a second to look back and acknowledge how far I have come.  Small celebrations keep me going! 



