

Thinking Over vs Over Thinking

overthinking mind too full of thoughts

How many hours has overthinking stolen from me? 

Overthinking- the thief of many moments. If there is a positive side to overthinking, it’s something that EVERYONE has probably experienced and, therefore, can relate to.

This creates a common connection and makes me feel less alone. When someone says, “I was pacing the room thinking of every which way a scenario could go!”…WE ALL GET IT! 

Ohhh, why did I say that?” “Ohhh, why did I do that?” “Ohhh, why am I such an idiot!” Overdosing on these thoughts is exhausting! Observing my pattern is the first step.   

Volcanic eruptions are going off inside my head.  Very little peace is happening inside when I’m stuck in a loop.  

Everyone needs to like me so I replay every interaction to make sure I did nothing wrong.  Encouragement to embrace a new way when I’m caught  in  this trap.  Eventually I will feel comfortable staying present in the moment.  

r is for Overthink

Releasing the need to be perfect and have everyone like me is a must if I want to be part of life’s ease and flow.  Rediscovering that my truer purpose each day is NOT to please everyone!

Torturing myself as I overanalyze everything is exhausting. Throughout my life I have found myself overthinking my actions. Treating myself kindly will be necessary as I begin to stop my cycle of overthinking. Thankful to know there’s a better way. 

Habitually I find myself stuck in overanalyzing my actions. Healthy thinking is my aim. Honestly, being present and not stuck in my head feels really free, and I like it!

I is in Overthink

Inspecting my every move from a past event does not change the  situation. Intellectually I know this to be true, but once I get on the hamster wheel, it’s difficult to get off.  

Never feeling good enough might be why I get caught in this pattern. Nowhere is it written that I need to revisit every move I make.  Now at least I am more aware when I begin to dissect my past. 

K is for Overthink

Knocking my every move is unhelpful. Kidding myself that I will never make a mistake is no way to live. Knowing that I can use my time and energy in a more productive way is a relief! 

Discover. Uncover. Recover.

Why does it often feel normal and almost expected to think about something from every possible angle?

It’s exhausting! Finding balance for my thoughts, so they serve me well, takes practice… a lot of practice!!  When I fully accept that I’m not meant to do everything perfectly and have it all figured out, I experience a deep sense of relief…my imagination is much worse than reality!  

Wise Weekly Words We Heard

  • I’m so sick and tired of riding on the hamster wheel of my thoughts

  • yesterday is heavy…put  it down

  • sitting and thinking  about it over and over gets nothing done…there’s no skin in the game. Taking action vs only thinking 

  • overthinking is a security blanket that never gives security…seems like a lousy deal.  

  • learn to do it differently…take a step back and handle an old problem in a new way.

