

Like IT or not, IT’S happening!

Acceptance is the answer to all my problems

Why is acceptance a daily struggle…still?

Often, my first reaction is, "No, this can't be happening! I don't want to deal with this!"

Practicing patience is a must as I unlearn this pattern; it runs deep and has been my "go-to" ever since I can remember.

I realize how much suffering I cause myself simply because I do not accept what is happening.

Acceptance a weekly topic The Simple Journey

Annoyed about what’s happening! Automatically, I want to control the situation. Although I know this situation will pass, it's difficult to accept right now.  

C is in Accept at The Simple Journey

Carefully picking the shortest line at the grocery store, only to be met with a needed price-check for the person at the checkout can make me crazy! Confusion between accepting what is happening and not liking what is happening is still there. 

C is in Accept

Circumstances are constantly changing, so what if I chose a state of acceptance instead of my usual resistance? Calmly dealing with life on life’s terms is getting easier with practice. 

Even if I don’t like what’s happening, it’s still happening. Eventually, I begin to feel the shift from resisting to accepting and there’s flow.  Experiencing my days with this energy is what I choose. 

P is part of Accept

Prefer things to go my way, but that’s unrealistic. Productive use of my thoughts and actions is my aim. Proof that I am on a journey toward a life with more ease is happening.  

The temptation to be irritated and frustrated because things are not going my way is still there. Throughout each day I will be presented with opportunities to choose my actions.  Taking the time to reflect on this topic is vital to my wellbeing. 

Discover. Uncover. Recover.

Why is accepting what’s happening, especially if I don’t like it, so difficult?

When I can catch myself being resistant, it helps. This awareness means I now have a choice to kick and scream or be part of a solution. Sometimes, I still need a moment to acknowledge my wish for a different outcome, grieve a little and then move on with acceptance. The ability to do this is a work in progress!

Wise Weekly Words We Heard

  • resisting is exhausting-drains me of my power and energy so I show up depleted for the other people, places and things in my life.

  • always getting what I want isn’t the key to my happiness

  • peace and freedom come with acceptance…it’s like a deep breath

  • Deep down what am I so afraid of?

  • It’s often simply not the answer I wanted to hear, so I fight, defend, and resist what's happening… I see why I’m literally exhausted all the time! 



