Mean It


Mean it. Say it. Don’t say it mean.

When do I struggle saying what I mean?

Usually when I am tiptoeing around an awkward conversation.

Instead of being straightforward and clear with what I need to express I talk in circles because I am trying so hard to make everyone feel comfortable.

Fast forward to what I know now-being unclear is not very kind.  

Managing information in an unhelpful way. Messiness of a conversation is okay. Minimizing being wishy-washy. Motivated to stay on a path of clarity. 

Extra pause is a necessity as I gather my thoughts. Expressing myself clearly takes practice. Experience some discomfort but it’s temporary. Eventually communicating this way will be my norm. 

Avoiding certain conversations has been my fallback. Ability to speak up is my aim. Adverse to controversy is the reason I talk in circles. Annoyed may be how someone feels when I ask questions, and that’s okay.

Notice how I feel when I tiptoe around what I need to say. Number one person I need to be clear with is me; then I can be clear with others. Noise in my head gets less noisy when I slow down.

Interpreting other people’s reaction to what I’m saying is often incorrect. Important to communicate accurately. Interacting with others while clearly expressing my needs can still be a struggle. 

Terrified when asked to state my intentions and there’s silence. Transform how I communicate with others. Taking the necessary time so I can be accurate and honest. Think, breathe and state what I need is my new mantra.

Discover. Uncover. Recover.

Am I accurate and honest stating my needs?

Working on it! Before I communicate anything about myself, someone, or something else it helps to have my thoughts somewhat clear.

This way my thoughts are easier for everyone, including myself, to follow. I trip over my words when my mind is going faster than my mouth.

When I slow down I have a chance to say what I mean and mean what I say…and I never have to say it mean!

Wise Weekly Words We Heard

  • resisting is exhausting-drains me of my power and energy so I show up depleted for the other people, places and things in my life.

  • always getting what I want isn’t the key to my happiness

  • peace and freedom come with acceptance…it’s like a deep breath

  • Deep down what am I so afraid of?

  • It’s often simply not the answer I wanted to hear, so I fight, defend, and resist what's happening… I see why I’m literally exhausted all the time! 



