

Know worry, No joy;

No worry, Know joy

Does worrying help?

I so badly want my answer to be, “Why yes, of course worrying helps.”

However, when I get quiet and sit with this thought, I know the answer is,” No, it does not help.”

I now understand the saying that worrying is like a rocking chair-it gives me something to do, but I never get anywhere. 

Weight of the world I feel on my shoulders. Waking with heavy thoughts is not how I wish to start my day. While I'm stuck in worry, I'm taking no action to be part of a solution. Wired this way is what I hear from people. Will I ever break this pattern?

Overwhelming problems weigh me down. Occupied with constant worried thoughts that exhaust me.  Out of energy. Only I can shift my patterns. Odds can feel as if they're against me. 

Redirecting my thoughts when I need to know the outcome. Restrictive way of living when I'm wringing my hands over and over. Refreshing to know there's another way to handle situations that create fear. 


Responsible for how I use my energy. Realizing my need to control and fix everything. Reluctant to change the ways that feel familiar and no longer serve me. 

Yesterday's fears overflow into today's moments. Younger version of me developed these coping mechanisms. Yes, I'm ready to handle my concerns differently. Yearning for more productive ways to handle things that are in my control AND outside of my control. 

Discover. Uncover. Recover.

Does worrying mean I care?

Often I confuse worrying with being concerned and caring. I used to think I had to worry because it meant I was a caring and loving person.

If I don't worry, then I must be cold and mean. Before now, I had not taken the time to understand "worry." Being concerned holds me more accountable and leads me to take action.

Being part of a solution allows me to be of service instead of making myself feel better because I'm worried. 

Wise Weekly Words We Heard

  • Worrying is like having a bad case of the “What-ifs.”

  • If I worry and I keep looking at the problems so I go directly to strategizing and make a lot of lists but take no action.

  • I either have faith or fear…can’t have both.

  • Someone told me that If I’m thinking about it, DO something about it!

  • if I turn it over but don’t let it go, it’s just upside down


Mean It