

Encourage Courage

Am I courageous if I'm still fearful?

Yes, I am. My feelings of being afraid, nervous, timid, scared, and anxious still make appearances throughout my day.

I'm learning to get more comfortable with these feelings and do "the thing" anyway.

When I lead with bravery, I often think I permit others to do the same and vice versa. Sitting on the sidelines of life so I never feel afraid, is not the path I'm choosing.  

Confidence in myself as I take action. Convenient to stay on the sidelines of life. Choosing to be brave and true to me is still uncomfortable. Contentment and peace encourage me to keep going.  Conquering my fears is amazing! 

Ordinary situations become great teachers and reveal where I'm still afraid. Obstacles are no longer how I look at my fears. Overwhelmed with excitement when I'm courageous. Outgrowing old patterns of my fears paralyzing me.

Unlimited possibilities when I lead with bravery. Unlearning old patterns takes time. Uncertainty is welcome as I put myself out there. 

Rather stay curious about all that life is here to teach me. Responding to a situation instead of reacting. Remember not to judge when I'm nervous; it means I'm doing something meaningful.

Always opportunities to handle situations courageously. Advocating and believing in me! Achieving more confidence as I go through things instead of around them. 

Get curious about all that life is here to teach me. Generating moments with brave and authentic intentions. Grateful when I follow through and stay true to my word. 

Embracing my fears and learning from them. Empowering as I get to know more about myself. Embarrassing at times, but I'm not letting fear stop me anymore. Experience is what I get, which leads to greater wisdom.

Discover. Uncover. Recover.

What does courage look like? 

Brave acts can look quite different. Sometimes taking action is courageous, while other times, the brave choice is to do nothing.

One of the most courageous steps I can take is to stay out of the way and let go of the outcome. Other times it's speaking and sharing from my heart versus my head.

Feeling fear is part of being human, and when I find my courage, I hope to help another person find theirs.

Wise Weekly Words We Heard

  • courage for me is to pick up the phone and call someone instead of isolating

  • courage for me is being okay with showing up as a “messy” woman and admitting that life is just REALLY MESSY right now!

  • It takes courage for me to surrender and ask for help

  • Real courage is to LIVE LIFE FULLY!

  • I used to think something was wrong with me because I felt afraid. I’ve come to learn that fear is a friendly teacher that walks beside me each step of the way. 


Mean It

