KLC - Kindness, Love, Compassion

Is leading with KLC a good idea?

No need to think about this too hard; the answer is yes!

In the past, I thought if I treated myself with KLC, I would never accomplish anything. I realize now I was looking at this in a warped way. Scolding, criticizing, and berating myself, does not help me become the best me.

KLC is a gentler way for me to approach whatever I am doing. Sadly, it is not always my first approach, but I can catch myself when I am not choosing KLC...sometimes. 

Knowing that I am worthy of gentleness still feels foreign. Keeping at this approach is important, so I can begin to unlearn my harsh self-talk patterns. Knocking myself down is something I no longer want to do. Key back to me is through KLC.

Love this new shift in how I am treating myself. Lucky for everyone around me, the more I fill up on KLC, the more KLC I have to give. Literally, feel lighter. Laughing more often because I am not bogged down with negativity. Learning how to shift my perspective from critical to gentle takes time. 

Circulate more KLC wherever I go. Communication is filled with much more positivity. Condescending thoughts are not welcome today. Careful not to go back to old habits, patterns, and behaviors.   

Discover. Uncover. Recover.

When will KLC not be an afterthought?  

KLC is still not my “go-to” response, especially when life feels demanding, overwhelming, and messy. The best thing about KLC is that it is so simple, immediate, and powerful. One deep breath can change how I begin my drive to work or interact with people after a long day. Just smiling can reverse an old pattern from critical to compassionate. 

Wise Weekly Words We Heard

  • I've been doing the mirror exercise …when I see my reflection I say, “I love you”, and it reminds me to celebrate ME!

  • It’s still strange that treating myself with KLC is not a natural response.  I know there was a time, long ago and before I can really remember when this was automatic for me but it’s now buried underneath years of negative self talk.  Time to get it back!

  • Interesting that it’s easier for me to treat others with KLC but not myself

  • Oftentimes KLC is acknowledging that I am doing my best, even though it may not look that way. 



