

Remove PROVE from approve 

The Simple Journey reads, reflects on Approval

Whose approval am I seeking?

My approval, of course! I wish this were my honest answer, but it’s not…yet!

When it comes to seeking my approval, I am a work in progress. For much of my life, I have put more weight on other people’s approval, never realizing the importance of bringing myself into this equation.

There is so much freedom when I check in with myself, know that I’m enough and what I think about myself matters most.  

Acknowledging my genuine likes, dislikes, needs, and wants is exciting but feels foreign! Abandoning myself no longer feels okay. Alleviating the need to seek everyone’s approval feels free. Authentically “me” is enough. 

Partnership with myself. Pretending to be someone I’m not is exhausting.   Profound sense that what I think about myself really matters. 

Patience as I go forward and learn more about my likes and dislikes. Programming to check in with me first takes time. Passive living is no longer an option; I’m ready to show up fully and go all in!

Reconnecting with myself feels good. Realization that what I think about myself matters. Resentful when I make decisions that don’t work for me but what everyone else expects.

Opinion about myself matters more than the opinion of others. Okay to remind me that I don’t need other people’s approval. Onboard as I continue to trust myself. 

Value my own decisions and let go of the need to please. Vital that I stay connected to my true self. Very aware when I abandon myself to gain approval from other people. 

Everyday I have opportunities to seek my own approval. Experimenting with listening to myself. Expressing myself fully and knowing I am enough just as I am. 

Discover. Uncover. Recover.

When will I let go of needing other people’s approval? 

Slowly. Figuring out what works best for me, simply for my own approval, is a process of small steps, always in the direction of trusting myself more.

This can still feel uncomfortable because I have gotten so used to needing approval from others. When I go forward with trust, I can be my authentic self and often find amazing peace. 

Wise Weekly Words We Heard

  • When I’m able to notice that I’m seeking approval about something from everyone but myself it’s usually my lack of self esteem that’s running the show

  • there is so much freedom when I stop doing everything everyone else wants me to do 

  • How crazy is it that I’ve never bothered to check in with myself first!!

  • I have more time on my hands now that I’m not constantly thinking if others will think I’m cool

  • I can finally see that I give away all of my power when I’m inside everyone else’s thoughts and not my own.


