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Why are friends so important?

So many of my best memories with friends are moments filled with uncontrollable laughter!

They are also filled with moments of being hugged tightly in tough times and feeling a deep sense of knowing everything will be okay. I “know” many people, but only a few are real “friends.”

Calling someone a friend is special, sacred, and a term I don’t use lightly. Being able to express myself fully and show up authentically is my guide when calling someone a friend.  

Forever friends are the best! Frequency of hanging out doesn’t matter with a dear friend…we pick up where we left off. Fulfilling friendships add so much to my life and make it better. 

Regular get-togethers, when possible, add to my life. Realizing that some friends stay and some go. Reinforcing friendships with laughter, tears, and joy. Reestablishing connections with old friends feels good.  

Influenced by friends throughout every stage of my life. Instant friends are simply awesome! Integrity is a guide today as I make new friends. 

Encouragement from friends lifts me up and keeps me going. Effortless friendships are the best! Enthusiastic friends keep me inspired as I challenge myself.

Never running out of things to talk about are the friends I cherish. Necessary to give and take for a healthy relationship. Neglecting friends happens; sometimes, it feels like there is not enough of me to go around.  

Different personalities are vital to my experiences. Deep discussions are moments I long for, and I am amazed at what I learn. Developing new friendships can be awkward, but I’m grateful I keep putting myself out there.  

Silly times with friends are the best medicine! Successful friendships require clear communication. Supportive people in my life that I get to call friends bring comfort.  

Discover. Uncover. Recover.

How would I get by without some help from friends?

Not well. Friends are a lifeline, and I’m grateful for the friends I have known, the friends I hang out with now, and the friends I have yet to meet.

In difficult times, I rely on friends to guide me and help me get to the other side. Perhaps the purpose of friendships is a reminder that we are not supposed to do life alone, to stay connected, and ultimately to help one another. 

Wise Weekly Words We Heard

  • Close friendships are one of the gifts I give and receive

  • having a small circle of friends makes it tougher to hide…this is good for me

  • If it weren’t for my group  of friends, I would not be able to “do life”

  • being free to be me  is the best feeling when I’m around my friends

  • As I get older making new friends is important because it pushes me outside my comfort zone and I get to have new adventures!



