

Miss Communication and Miss Interpret…conversation crashers!

How often do I make assumptions?

Too often! My mind sometimes goes a million miles an hour, and I fill in the blanks with information that is “close enough.”

This thinking is downright unhelpful, and I spend time undoing my messes that were avoidable in the first place simply with a few questions. The older I get I’d rather use my time more wisely. 

 Absolutely jumping into my reply and not truly listening. Appearance of having all the answers and knowing it all. Automatic and deeply ingrained way of handling everything. Achieving flawed results due to lack of information.  

Sleepwalking through each experience. Significant jackpots because I did not ask detailed questions. Substituting my own experiences and thinking everyone will see it my way. 

Simply not taking the time to understand a situation. So wildly inaccurate are the thoughts I’m thinking about a situation. Support my narrative, live in my head, and not ask for clarity.  

Uncomfortable asking people for more, as if I am not worth their time. Untangling what should happen and the reality of what is happening. Unable to stop jumping to false conclusions about people and their situations. 

Misinterpret situations because I have filled in missing information with my thoughts about people, places, and things. Manipulate my thoughts, so everything supports my beliefs. Magical when I can be fully in the moment and out of my head. Meditating quiets me and helps me lead with more grace. 

Eventually, the situation blows up, and I must deal with the fallout. Energy wasted. Effective and efficient communication is the way to go!

Discover. Uncover. Recover.

Why do I feel disappointed…again?

I’m ASSUMING it’s because I’ve made too many ASSUMPTIONS!! I am often jumping from one conclusion to another without checking facts or asking questions, like a frog jumping from one lily pad to another! 

Usually, it’s simple; I am going too fast through my days, and slowing down is often my best bet. Life becomes more manageable and smoother when I get off the hamster wheel inside my head and instead get into the present, ask questions, and stick to the facts.

Sometimes I still struggle to ask for greater clarification but making this a priority changes conversations and outcomes and keeps disappointments at bay.

Wise Weekly Words We Heard

  • It’s hitting me right now how many unnecessary situations I’ve created due to my inability to listen, I mean really listen, and then I can ask some questions.

  • I’m wrong like 99.9% about what other people are thinking and about to say

  • I can’t stand it when people jump to false conclusions about me, and yet I do this ALL the time!

  • tough to ask questions when I haven’t really listened…maybe this where the problem starts



