

Healthier boundaries, Healthier me.

Will I ever be comfortable using healthy boundaries?

I realize how essential boundaries are for my overall well-being. I also understand that knowing the importance of boundaries is one thing but practicing and applying them is quite different!

I know today that saying NO is a complete sentence, but this can still cause angst within myself as my need to please runs deep!

Becoming aware that I lack clear personal boundaries is a wake-up call! Breaking the cycle of having blurred boundaries needs to end.Before today I had not taken the time to figure out what my boundaries were. 

Obedient and polite are the words I often hear.  Obligated to never make anyone feel uncomfortable. Obsession to please others and not myself is an old pattern. 

U is in Boundary

Until now I have struggled to find my voice. Understanding how important boundaries are I can no longer keep quiet. Unhappy is what I will be if I don't practice using boundaries.  

Number one person I don’t want to let down anymore is me! Nowhere does it say my main purpose here is to please everyone. Now I realize if I don’t use boundaries I am filled with resentment. Never before have I felt so connected to myself.

D is in Boundary

Didn’t know how important it was to really understand boundaries.  Disagreeing is not my goal, but there will be times that people will not like it when I say no. Downright difficult to say no! Determined to keep doing it!

A is in Boundary

Always get along and be pleasant is a mantra I no longer wish to use.  Acknowledging my terms, my limits, my boundaries is freeing! Admitting that I am still fearful communicating my needs is okay. Allowing myself to take baby steps as I practice using my boundaries is  kind  and essential. 

Realizing the positive impact when I practice using healthy boundaries. Rarely am I filled with resentment. Reclaiming what works and does not work for me is helpful to me and others.  

“You’re the best advocate for you,” I keep repeating to myself. Yippee! Yes,I know what I need, and I’m going to be true to me!


When will I figure out my lack of boundaries causes unnecessary conditions that are often preventable?

Deep down, I know my needs, but I still struggle to trust myself enough to communicate them. And, yes, sometimes there is compromise. When my words are transparent, honest, and kind, communication flows smoothly, and this benefits EVERYONE, most of all me! 

Weekly Wise Words We Heard

  • My need for boundaries show up in little and unexpected ways. Out of nowhere I become irritated when talking with my partner and I think, “Maybe I didn’t make myself clear about that?”

  • I use my internal intuition as my measure vs. “do you like me” as my measure

  • I’m learning that I do better when I take a short nap or sit quietly for 30 minutes each day. Not everyone understands this need, but I function better and trust me everyone benefits!

  • I’m realizing how often I confused boundaries with being bitchy and stubborn…I was way off on this!



