KLC - Kindness, Love, Compassion - 3 hearts; 3 actions; 3 changes.


This week we have taken the words Kindness, Love, and Compassion and looked at them in a simple- gentle-practical-with purpose-healing-positive-helpful-courageous-way.  KLC is not always the “go-to” response, especially when life is busy, hectic, and stressful.

The best thing about KLC is that it is simple, immediate, and powerful.  One deep breath can change how we begin our drive to work or interact with people at the end of a long day.  Just smiling has the power to change a mood.  No matter how small the action, treating ourselves and others with KLC feels good and most likely has a beautiful effect on our lives.

 Here’s the clue for tomorrow’s topic - “Go me!!”